November 18, 2020

Amazon Wishlist and Bringing JOY, Inc.

November 2019 I brought 100 Bags of JOY to the Northwestern Cancer Center in hopes to bring a little JOY to those going through cancer treatment the week of Thanksgiving. I think back to where I was last year in my treatment and how happy it made me knowing I could hopefully bring a little sunshine to those receiving a Bag of JOY during their treatment. As time went on and more donations came in I realized we could do so much more!

I am SO EXCITED to tell you, Bringing JOY is officially, Bringing JOY, Inc. in the state of Illinois. We now have to wait on the rest of our paperwork to be filed and approved. I am hopeful by the end of 2020 you will be able to make a tax-deductible donation to Bringing JOY, fingers crossed.

I have had several people ask how they can help with the Bags of JOY. You can always make a monetary donation on the website or reach out to But, I thought I would provide another option as well, I started an Amazon Wishlist. I had a friend purchase an item and it arrived today, so it appears to be working. From gift cards to chapstick, and a few items in between, all can be shipped straight to Bringing JOY.

Amazon Wishlist:

I am filled with gratitude for all of the support along the way. Every time I speak to a new person that is helping me bring more life to Bringing JOY, I can't help but smile. I always go back to, "Because I have felt so much love and support during this journey, I wanted to help others feel a little JOY throughout a trying time in their life." I know what the gut punch feels like, I know the unnerving feeling of the first treatment, I know the anxiety one feels before going into surgery and I know what it feels like when things don't go as planned. I wholeheartedly believe if we can brighten 50 people's day each month, it will make a difference when the icky news arrives, or when that first drip of the chemo comes down. I truly believe, a little JOY goes a long way.

Love Hard - Dig Deep - Laugh Often